Off-Road Declarer Play

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Every intermediate player is familiar with the routine techniques of dummy play. What this book describes are less well-known stratagems that may save the day in non-routine situations. They include methods for creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks, elopements, getting the defenders to help you out, and many more. In this unique and quirky book, the author introduces to the reader to new ways of thinking about declarer play, ways that just might help him make that next contract!
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Every intermediate player is familiar with the routine techniques of dummy play. What this book describes are less well-known stratagems that may save the day in non-routine situations. They include methods for creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks, elopements, getting the defenders to help you out, and many more. In this unique and quirky book, the author introduces to the reader to new ways of thinking about declarer play, ways that just might help him make that next contract!
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David Bird

David Bird (Southampton, UK) is the world's most prolific bridge writer, with 150 bridge books to his name. Known for the clarity of his writing and explanations, he has won the American Bridge Teachers' Association Book of the Year Award a record nine times. His celebrated humorous fiction series, featuring the cantankerous Abbot, has run for over 45 years.

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