How do I load my eBook to my Reading device?

Select your eReader Device:

    • 1 Download your ebook to your computer.
    • 2 Open up iTunes.
    • 3 Connect your iPad to your computer using the cable that came with the device.
    • 4 If you have not yet downloaded iBooks or an alternative ebook reader, do so now.
    • 5 Select "File" -> "Add file to library". Navigate to where your eBook is saved and select the file. Click "OK"
    • 6a If you are using iBooks:
      • From iTunes, Select "File" -> "Add file to library". Navigate to where your eBook is saved on your computer and select the file. Click "Open".
      • In iTunes, from the "Devices" on the left, click on your ipad icon (e.g. "Luise's iPad")
      • Click on the "Books" tab (at top-right of screen).
      • Click the "Sync books" check box.
      • Click on one of the two buttons: Sync All Books or "selected books". If the latter, in the box below, select which books you want to be added to your iBooks library by clicking the checkbox beside the name of each book to be added. (As of June 21, 2010, iBooks added PDF support. If you do not see your PDF books in this list, then you may not have a current version if iBooks installed. Re-download iBooks version 1.1 or later to correct this issue.)
      • Click "Apply" to start synchronizing your iPad.
    • 6b If you are using a different eReader for your iPad other than iBooks:
      • Click on your iPad icon from iTunes.
      • Click on the "Apps" tab.
      • Scroll down to the bottom section, where it says "File Sharing".
      • Select the eReader application that you are using.
      • Select the eBook you wish to add to your reader. Click the "Add" button.
      • Click "Apply" to start synchronizing your iPad.
    • 1 Download your .MOBI eBook and save to a folder on your computer.
    • 2 Connect your Kindle to your computer via USB cable. After drivers are installed, you can see your Kindle device as a disk drive
    • 3 Navigate to “documents” folder on your Kindle device (Navigation via My Computer for PC and Finder via MAC)
    • 4 Copy your .MOBI ebook from your computer and paste in the 'documents' folder on you Kindle eBook reader.
    • 5 Safely eject the device

    Your new .MOBI eBook should now be visible along with your other eBooks in the home screen.

    You can also use the PDF format on your Kindle. Since you can download all formats at the same price you can try both formats and see which you like the best.

    • The Fire does not come with a USB cable out-of-the-box. You need to buy a micro USB cable if you want to load ebooks purchased from
    • Once you plug in the USB, a disc drive shows up on your desktop called SDCard. You can drop files into the folders on it (Books, Docs, Music, etc.)
    • The Fire puts your files in the folder it wants to, irrespective of where you place them. In other words, even if you put a PDF file into ‘Books’, it shows up under Docs on the Fire desktop.
    • The Fire does not support .epub files. We recommend transferring .mobi files to your Kindle Fire for the best viewing experience. While the Fire does support .pdf documents, they do not offer the best viewing experience for our ebooks.
    • You can email .pdf documents to your Fire, but .mobi files emailed to your Fire will not be recognized correctly as an eBook.
    • 1 Download your .epub or .PDF ebook to your computer.
    • 2 If you haven't done so already, download and install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) from
    • 3 Open up the ADE application on your computer, and connect your Kobo using the USB cable that came with your eReader.
    • 4 If you are in "reading view", click on the button in the top-left corner to switch to "Library View".
    • 5 Select "Library" -> "Add item to library" from the top left.
    • 6 Select the .epub or .pdf file that you wish to add to your e-reader, and click "Open".
    • 7 Drag the icon of your newly added book from your library to the icon on the left that reads "KOBOeReader" or "Nook". You should see a progress bar come up as the file is being copied. When the process is complete, close ADE.
    UPDATE - Feb 10, 2012

    With the new Nook OS, it is no longer necessary to use ADE to load your ebooks.

    Using the USB cable, connect the nook to your PC or Mac to mount the Nook as a removable drive (entitled ‘media’). Drag and drop your files to the folder entitled ‘Digital editions’. Eject the drive properly, and disconnect.

    Now your files show up under Library/My stuff/media/Digital Editions

    • 1 Download your .epub or .PDF ebook to your computer.
    • 2 If you haven't done so already, download and install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) from
    • 3 Open up the ADE application on your computer, and connect your Kobo using the USB cable that came with your eReader.
    • 4 If you are in "reading view", click on the button in the top-left corner to switch to "Library View".
    • 5 Select "Library" -> "Add item to library" from the top left.
    • 6 Select the .epub or .pdf file that you wish to add to your e-reader, and click "Open".
    • 7 Drag the icon of your newly added book from your library to the icon on the left that reads "KOBOeReader" or "Nook". You should see a progress bar come up as the file is being copied. When the process is complete, close ADE.
    UPDATE - Feb 10, 2012

    With the new Nook OS, it is no longer necessary to use ADE to load your ebooks.

    Using the USB cable, connect the nook to your PC or Mac to mount the Nook as a removable drive (entitled ‘media’). Drag and drop your files to the folder entitled ‘Digital editions’. Eject the drive properly, and disconnect.

    Now your files show up under Library/My stuff/media/Digital Editions

    • 1 Download your eBook to your computer.
    • 2 If you do not already have the Sony Reader Library software installed on your computer, install it now. The download can be found here:
    • 3 Connect your Sony Reader to your computer using the cable that came with the device.
    • 4 Select "File"-> "Import Files", or type "Ctrl-I".
    • 5 Select the file you downloaded in Step 1, and click "Open".
    • 6 Your new ebook should now be in your list of books under "Library". Click on the book title and drag the new book to the icon of your device listed on the left-hand menu. (If the battery on your device is dead, you may need to wait a few minutes before it will show up in the left menu.
    • 7 IMPORTANT! DO NOT remove your device from your computer until you have closed the sony library or "ejected"the device. Doing so may result in data on your reader becoming corrupt and it may require a reset to factory settings to correct the problem.

    Your new .MOBI eBook should now be visible along with your other eBooks in the home screen.

    You can also use the PDF format on your Kindle. Since you can download all formats at the same price you can try both formats and see which you like the best.

    If your device is missing from the above list, it doesn't mean that it's not possible to get your PDF format or ePUB format eBook loaded to your reader. It just means that we haven't tested your specific device.

    The first thing to try is to plug your device in to your computer using a USB cable that is provided by your eReader manufacturer. If the device shows up on your computer as a hard-drive or SD card, you may be able to transfer supported file-types directly to the device using your computer's file manager. The specific location of where to place the ebook files will depend on the file structure of the device.

    For specific instructions or details on what file-types are supported by your device, we suggest that you consult the user manual that came with your eReader device or contact the manufacturer for assistance.


    Email us at: [email protected] and we will try our best to assist you.

Tips For Choosing An E-Reader

With so many options and features to choose from, finding the right e-reader can seem overwhelming, especially if you want to give one as a gift.

Features vary widely for each e-reader, so it's good to be prepared before you go. Here's a list of questions to ask yourself before you head to the store.

Once you know what you're looking for, we recommend doing a comparison of the different products on the market that have the features you want. One reliable technology review website is CNET, and you can find the most up-to-date e-reader comparison chart on Wikipedia.

Note: E-readers tend to fall into two categories: e-ink readers and LCD tablets. The differences between the two are outlined below. The most popular brands of e-readers and tablets are Amazon's Kindle, Apple's iPad, and Barnes & Noble's Nook, Google, Kobo (by Indigo/Chapters), Samsung and Sony also get good reviews. There are also a number of tablets made by Android manufacturers.

Tips For Choosing An E-Reader

Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Shop For An E-Reader:


E-readers are getting more affordable all the time, with the most wallet-friendly option being the Amazon Kindle at $69 USD. Tablets, with a greater breadth of features, cost significantly more than e-ink readers. Here are the price ranges for the three types of e-readers you can buy (from CNET)

1. Black-and-white e-ink readers ($69 to $150)

2. 7-inch color LCD media tablets ($200 to $250)

3. Full-size color tablets like the iPad (most $400 and above).


This decision may depend partly on how you use your e-reader (see Usage above), but there is a major difference between reading on an e-ink screen and an LCD screen. As this is really a personal preference, we recommend you try out both options in a store. The best choice for you will depend partly on how you use your e-reader (see above), but also on your eyesight and the conditions in which you'll be using your e-reader.

LCD Screens: An LCD screen is colourful, vivid and displays images well – an LCD screen brings rich content to life. Readers who love magazines, children's books, or any image-heavy texts get a lot of value from an LCD screen. If you are reading in bed, an LCD screen provides its own light, but some people find that the glow of a backlit screen bothers their eyes over time. You can read more about eyestrain and e-readers here). Also, an LCD display isn't practical for reading in bright light as you'll get a lot of glare on your screen.

E-ink Screens: E-ink (or electronic paper display) screens are black and white. The reading experience is similar to reading a printed page, which appeals to many avid readers. If you find that your eyes tire easily with an LCD screen, or much of your reading time is outside, an e-ink screen may be more practical for you. If you read at night, you can now find e-ink readers with built-in lighting, such as the Kindle Paperwhite, Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight, or the Kobo Glo. You can also purchase e-reader cases with built-in lighting, or clip-on lights for your e-reader.


Do you prefer a compact e-reader that stows easily in a purse or one with a large screen that is easier on the eyes? The best way to make this decision is by trying out different screen sizes in the store. Consider where and when you'll be using your e-reader, and try to test out e-readers by looking at reading materials that are close to what you usually read (magazines, books, email, or websites). Remember to consider the weight of each device as well, with and without a cover.

Memory/Storage Capacity

Storage capacity is often a key factor for travellers. Storage capacity varies widely among e-readers, with top-end e-readers ranging from 2GB to 64 GB. Most ebooks are around 1 MB, so 2GB is plenty of storage for many people. That said, interactive books and magazines require more storage than books that are mostly plain text, and f you are planning on storing music, video or photos on a tablet you'll need much more space. Some e-readers have the added flexibility of removable storage, so if you are going on an extended trip and need more space, you can load books and other content on multiple SD cards.

Internet Connection

Some lower-end e-readers (under $100) don't have a wireless connection, so you'll need to use a USB cable to connect them to your computer in order to download books, which can be inconvenient. Today, many e-readers on the market can use a wireless internet connection, so you can easily download new documents or browse the internet from home, work, or a café. If you want internet access outside of wireless areas, some newer e-readers come with a 3G or 4G cellular connection. 3G or 4G access comes with a price, though: you'll need to pay for a monthly contract with a cellular company, and 3G or 4G e-readers are more expensive than their wireless-only counterparts.


This is a pivotal factor when choosing an e-reader. For the most part, people who just want to read books or the occasional newspaper or magazine tend to choose e-ink readers. The price point is lower, and the reading experience is closer to that of a physical book (see Display below). In contrast, LCD tablets are more multi-purpose: in addition to being able to read digital books, many tablets give you access to a web browser, calendar and email services, your music library, and a selection of applications, such as games, online magazines, digital tools and more. Within the tablet category, the range of applications can vary considerably; if this is a priority for you, look closely at what each e-reader can do.

LCD Screens

This is a pivotal factor when choosing an e-reader. For the most part, people who just want to read books or the occasional newspaper or magazine tend to choose e-ink readers. The price point is lower, and the reading experience is closer to that of a physical book (see Display below). In contrast, LCD tablets are more multi-purpose: in addition to being able to read digital books, many tablets give you access to a web browser, calendar and email services, your music library, and a selection of applications, such as games, online magazines, digital tools and more. Within the tablet category, the range of applications can vary considerably; if this is a priority for you, look closely at what each e-reader can do.


ePub, Mobi, AZW, pdf…these terms refer to the types of files that an e-reader will support. Every e-reader has different file formats that can and cannot be downloaded, so before buying an e-reader, make sure you have a clear understanding of what types of books you can download on that device, and whether you are limited to books from one store. This isn't necessarily a problem for many readers, but it is important to know what you are getting yourself into. This article from the Guardian explains the differences between the different file formats quite well This article from The Guardian ; and this table compares file format restrictions for most popular e-readers. Please note: Canadian readers are not able to access Barnes & Noble's ebook library (for the Nook e-reader)

At EBooksBridge most of our books are available in epub, pdf, and mobi files. When you buy a new ebook from us, you can get your ebook in all of the formats, so if you upgrade to a new device you'll still be able to access your book. Read more about our books' file formats on our ebooks FAQ page

Battery Life

E-ink readers come out on top of tablets in this category, with some readers lasting as long as two weeks between charges. If you travel frequently, the length of a battery charge might be a key factor for you.

More Resources

Read CNET's thorough overview on choosing an e-reader.

Compare E-reader features side by side on Wikipedia or on Top Ten Reviews

Read reliable industry reviews, and consumer reviews for most popular e-readers and tablets on CNET

Try this online quiz to help you find the right product: "ebook configurator"