Card Play Technique or The Art of Being Lucky (2nd ed.)

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First published in 1955, this comprehensive survey of declarer play and defense has been very hard to find for the last decade. It is perhaps the single most-requested out of print bridge book, and is widely regarded as the best intermediate-level book on card play ever written. Gardener’s technical expertise and Mollo’s witty writing style combine to provide a unique instructional experience.   This new edition has been updated and modernized by Bridge Magazine editor Mark Horton, and also includes a new foreword by Gardener’s daughter, Nicola Smith, herself a multiple world champion.

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First published in 1955, this comprehensive survey of declarer play and defense has been very hard to find for the last decade. It is perhaps the single most-requested out of print bridge book, and is widely regarded as the best intermediate-level book on card play ever written. Gardener’s technical expertise and Mollo’s witty writing style combine to provide a unique instructional experience.   This new edition has been updated and modernized by Bridge Magazine editor Mark Horton, and also includes a new foreword by Gardener’s daughter, Nicola Smith, herself a multiple world champion.

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Victor Mollo

The late Victor Mollo (London, UK) is one of the best-loved authors ever to write about bridge. He penned many excellent how-to books on the game (including Card Play Technique, with Nico Gardner) but it is as a humorist, and the author of Bridge in the Menagerie and its sequels, that he is best remembered.

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Nico Gardener

The late Nico Gardener (London, UK) was a distinguished international player, winner of many British national events, and founder of the highly successful London School of Bridge.

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