My System: The Unbalanced Diamond

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Marshall Miles has been writing bridge books for more than fifty years, and during that time has remained one of the world's leading thinkers on the theory of bidding. His recent gold medal in the World Senior Teams shows that he has lost little of his edge with time. This book, a distillation of the ideas he has been developing and evolving over many years, describes what in his view is an optimal bidding system: the one he prefers to play, and the one that has brought him great success over the last several years. Serious players will want to study Miles' ideas, and adopt, if not the whole system, many of its concepts into their own bidding.
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Marshall Miles has been writing bridge books for more than fifty years, and during that time has remained one of the world's leading thinkers on the theory of bidding. His recent gold medal in the World Senior Teams shows that he has lost little of his edge with time. This book, a distillation of the ideas he has been developing and evolving over many years, describes what in his view is an optimal bidding system: the one he prefers to play, and the one that has brought him great success over the last several years. Serious players will want to study Miles' ideas, and adopt, if not the whole system, many of its concepts into their own bidding.
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Marshall Miles

Marshall Miles (1926-2013), who was a leading theorist on bidding, authored many books on bridge, including the all-time classic How to Win at Duplicate Bridge. His long and successful playing career includes a World Senior Teams Championship in 2004. He was one of the oldest players to win the World Senior championship and won several North American Championships.

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