Inferences at Bridge
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To be successful, a bridge player has to think like a detective, tracking down the distribution of the unseen hands. Although many players are oblivious to them, the tell-tale clues are there, just waiting to be noticed. They are there in the auction and in the opening lead. Every time a defender plays a card, declarer receives information. Similarly,everything that declarer does can be turned to advantage by alert defenders. There is even vital intelligence to be gained by thinking about what a player does not do! In this book,you will learn where to look for these clues, and, more importantly, how to draw the correct inferences from them. From there, it is only a short step to making bids and plays based on those inferences,and thereby becoming a much better player.
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- Number of pages: 195
- Language: English
- Categories:
To be successful, a bridge player has to think like a detective, tracking down the distribution of the unseen hands. Although many players are oblivious to them, the tell-tale clues are there, just waiting to be noticed. They are there in the auction and in the opening lead. Every time a defender plays a card, declarer receives information. Similarly,everything that declarer does can be turned to advantage by alert defenders. There is even vital intelligence to be gained by thinking about what a player does not do! In this book,you will learn where to look for these clues, and, more importantly, how to draw the correct inferences from them. From there, it is only a short step to making bids and plays based on those inferences,and thereby becoming a much better player.
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