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Declarer Play at Bridge: A Quizbook

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Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand, by the same author team, was named the 2010 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers’ Association.  Building on the success of that title, this book gives near-beginners a chance to practice the principles on which sound declarer play is based: count your winners, count your losers, make a plan. This is not just a series of problem hands, however.  Each section contains a brief introduction of its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout. Bridge teachers and students will find this book invaluable. CD-Rom now available.

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Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand, by the same author team, was named the 2010 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers’ Association.  Building on the success of that title, this book gives near-beginners a chance to practice the principles on which sound declarer play is based: count your winners, count your losers, make a plan. This is not just a series of problem hands, however.  Each section contains a brief introduction of its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout. Bridge teachers and students will find this book invaluable. CD-Rom now available.

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February 20th, 2013
William Burton

This was the single most helpful book I read in learning to play bridge so far. It made me understand how to think about a hand at the beginning rather than trying to react trick-by-trick to the play. It's definitely a beginner book, and a very helpful one!

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David Bird

David Bird (Southampton, UK) is the world's most prolific bridge writer, with 150 bridge books to his name. Known for the clarity of his writing and explanations, he has won the American Bridge Teachers' Association Book of the Year Award a record nine times. His celebrated humorous fiction series, featuring the cantankerous Abbot, has run for over 45 years.

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Barbara Seagram

Barbara Seagram (Toronto, Canada) ran one of the largest and most successful bridge clubs and bridge schools in N. America. After selling the club in 2007, she now concentrates solely on teaching and organizing her popular bridge cruises. An ABTA Master Teacher, Barbara has been involved in many of MPP's most successful titles, most notably 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know. With more than 200,000 copies in print in English alone, this book is the bestselling bridge title since Charles Goren was writing in the 1950s. It has been translated into Japanese, French, Danish and German.

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