A Compendium of Double Dummy Problems

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Almost 1000 double dummy problems, ranging from 'very easy' to 'fiendishly difficult', collected by the acknowledged expert in the field. Double dummy problems are to bridge players what chess problems are to lovers of that game: exercises in ingenuity, unexpected maneuvers, art and beauty. Some of the problems in this book were created before bridge -- they come from its precursor, whist, but the principles are the same. The most recent ones come from the author's fifty-odd years of contributions to various UK bridge magazines. Any puzzle fan will find hundreds of hours of entertainment in these pages.
Almost 1000 double dummy problems, ranging from 'very easy' to 'fiendishly difficult', collected by the acknowledged expert in the field. Double dummy problems are to bridge players what chess problems are to lovers of that game: exercises in ingenuity, unexpected maneuvers, art and beauty. Some of the problems in this book were created before bridge -- they come from its precursor, whist, but the principles are the same. The most recent ones come from the author's fifty-odd years of contributions to various UK bridge magazines. Any puzzle fan will find hundreds of hours of entertainment in these pages.
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Hugh Darwen

Hugh Darwen (UK) ran monthly double dummy contests for the last fifty years in numerous magazines, including Bridge magazine, International Popular Bridge Monthly, and Bridge Plus. These have continued, informally, at his website www.doubledummy.net.

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