Bridge Behind Bars

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“There was a loud metallic thud as the outside door closed behind Timothy Newman. So this is my new home then, he thought. Prison. Clink. The slammer. Prison is no place for an ordinary, law-abiding, middle-class guy like me, he reflected. Not even Great Yarborough Prison.” But it turns out that prison life in Great Yarborough has a silver lining for Tim — bridge. An expert player, he finds that his ability earns him unlooked-for respect amongst his fellow-prisoners, many of whom pass their ‘time’ at the card table. This is a bridge novel filled with unusual characters and great deals -- and a bridge game that gives new meaning to the term 'cut-throat'!
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“There was a loud metallic thud as the outside door closed behind Timothy Newman. So this is my new home then, he thought. Prison. Clink. The slammer. Prison is no place for an ordinary, law-abiding, middle-class guy like me, he reflected. Not even Great Yarborough Prison.” But it turns out that prison life in Great Yarborough has a silver lining for Tim — bridge. An expert player, he finds that his ability earns him unlooked-for respect amongst his fellow-prisoners, many of whom pass their ‘time’ at the card table. This is a bridge novel filled with unusual characters and great deals -- and a bridge game that gives new meaning to the term 'cut-throat'!
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Julian Pottage

Wales) is best known as a bridge problem constructor, and his many awards include IBPA Book of the Year. His most recent book for MPP was Defend or Declare?

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Nick Smith

Nick Smith (Oxford, UK)is a Grand Master and England international as well as the author of numerous novels and plays. Among his books are Bridge Literature, More Bridge Literature, Bridge and the Romantics and, with Julian Pottage, Bridge Behind Bars.

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