Death in Duplicate

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A mysterious illness… two dead bridge players… what’s going on at Kensington College? On the surface, Kensington is a typical small U.S. college (although its President certainly considers it superior to most). But when two players collapse and die during a duplicate bridge game at the Faculty Club, it soon becomes clear that there is more going on at Kensington than meets the eye. It falls to Detective Christina DiLongo, from the local P.D., to solve a case that is a far cry from the usual petty crime in the area – a mystery that inevitably leads her to a close scrutiny of the bridge club and its members. But would anyone really commit murder over a bridge game?
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A mysterious illness… two dead bridge players… what’s going on at Kensington College? On the surface, Kensington is a typical small U.S. college (although its President certainly considers it superior to most). But when two players collapse and die during a duplicate bridge game at the Faculty Club, it soon becomes clear that there is more going on at Kensington than meets the eye. It falls to Detective Christina DiLongo, from the local P.D., to solve a case that is a far cry from the usual petty crime in the area – a mystery that inevitably leads her to a close scrutiny of the bridge club and its members. But would anyone really commit murder over a bridge game?
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January 3rd, 2014
Jitendra Agrawal

A MODERN MYSTERY RELATED WITH BRIDGE – An excellent Read- Page turner “Death in Duplicate” by Carole Coplea Masterpoint Press, Toronto 2013 , Only $13.00 at Amazon This book has an excellent mystery plot. Keeps you want to read more and more. It reflects the attitude and mentality of Duplicate Bridge players, which can be very aggressive ,and fiercely competitive although a good majority of players show common decency. The book has not much to do with the game itself but the author creates an intricate tapestry of relationship between the various players. A college Faculty club setting creates the expectation of a high standard of academic decency which is really not the case making the suspense to build up. To be sure there is just the right amount of sexual imagery, especially the description of an exotic dancer's performance. When I finished reading the book I wished the story had continued another 200 pages.

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Carole Coplea

Carole Coplea (Oakville, Ontario, Canada) is an enthusiastic bridge player with a background in marketing. This is her first book.

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