A Bridge to Inspired Declarer Play
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This book addresses the thought processes that novice declarers must develop and practice. What features of a bridge hand lead an expert to select the correct line of play from all those available? The carefully chosen examples in this book will help advancing players to recognize those features and take action accordingly. Praise for Julian Laderman's first book, A Bridge to Simple Squeezes: "As you may deduce from the ABTA award, the book is easy to read and easy to follow. If you have hitherto thought of squeezes as too difficult, perhaps now is the time to think again." — Julian Pottage "(The) focus is on making simple squeezes accessible, and in this (the author) succeeds admirably. Just follow the clear explantions and gradually more-challenging presentation." — The Bridge World
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- Number of pages: 176
- Language: English
- Categories:
This book addresses the thought processes that novice declarers must develop and practice. What features of a bridge hand lead an expert to select the correct line of play from all those available? The carefully chosen examples in this book will help advancing players to recognize those features and take action accordingly. Praise for Julian Laderman's first book, A Bridge to Simple Squeezes: "As you may deduce from the ABTA award, the book is easy to read and easy to follow. If you have hitherto thought of squeezes as too difficult, perhaps now is the time to think again." — Julian Pottage "(The) focus is on making simple squeezes accessible, and in this (the author) succeeds admirably. Just follow the clear explantions and gradually more-challenging presentation." — The Bridge World
August 11th, 2010
Midge Beiger
A GREAT BRIDGE BOOK. ONE OF THE BEST....But I do have a question for Dr. Laderman re: one of the problems in the book. Can he be contacted. Thank you. Midge -- Hi Midge. The answer to your question is yes! If you have a letter for Dr. Laderman, email it to us at [email protected] and we will forward it on to him on your behalf. Cheers, Luise (administrator)