Win at Duplicate Bridge
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Win at Duplicate Bridge, previously published by Vivisphere Publishing, teaches modern bridge bidding techniques to the intermediate duplicate bridge player. It describes and fully explains all modern conventions, including the two over one system. The book is full of examples on how to bid difficult hands, and explains the nuances of expert bidding practices. It advises the player, which conventions are most useful and how to play them. It is an invaluable teaching and reference book for any serious bridge player.
What you will learn from this book:
What conventions you need for a winning edge.
How to bid conventions like Lebensohl, New Minor Forcing, Inverted Minors, Jacoby 2NT, etc.
When to overcall with 8 points, but pass with 16.
How to respond with borderline hands. When to raise partner’s suit rather than bid your own suit.
When to open 1NT with a 5 card major.
When to preempt, and at what level.
How to respond to a take-out double, a negative double, or a responsive double.
The type of hand you need to have to balance. How to bid difficult hands in competitive situations.
How Two over One differs from Standard bidding systems.
When to use 4 Clubs as a Gerber bid. When to ask for Aces or Key Cards, and when to cue bid.
Modern and best practices for leads and signals.
Each Chapter has Quizzes with fully descriptive answers, in order to enhance the learning experience.
- Number of pages: 208
- Language: English
- Categories:
Win at Duplicate Bridge, previously published by Vivisphere Publishing, teaches modern bridge bidding techniques to the intermediate duplicate bridge player. It describes and fully explains all modern conventions, including the two over one system. The book is full of examples on how to bid difficult hands, and explains the nuances of expert bidding practices. It advises the player, which conventions are most useful and how to play them. It is an invaluable teaching and reference book for any serious bridge player.
What you will learn from this book:
What conventions you need for a winning edge.
How to bid conventions like Lebensohl, New Minor Forcing, Inverted Minors, Jacoby 2NT, etc.
When to overcall with 8 points, but pass with 16.
How to respond with borderline hands. When to raise partner’s suit rather than bid your own suit.
When to open 1NT with a 5 card major.
When to preempt, and at what level.
How to respond to a take-out double, a negative double, or a responsive double.
The type of hand you need to have to balance. How to bid difficult hands in competitive situations.
How Two over One differs from Standard bidding systems.
When to use 4 Clubs as a Gerber bid. When to ask for Aces or Key Cards, and when to cue bid.
Modern and best practices for leads and signals.
Each Chapter has Quizzes with fully descriptive answers, in order to enhance the learning experience.
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