Thinking on Defense
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Defense is the most difficult part of bridge, and for most players, the hardest part of defense is figuring out what to do. In this book, the reader is shown step-by-step how to visualize declarer's cards from the bidding and play, and then how to use this information to form a plan for the defense. This book is based on Jim Priebe's popular articles 'Visualization on Defense' which appeared in the ACBL Bulletin in early 2001.
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- Number of pages: 192
- Language: English
- Categories:
Defense is the most difficult part of bridge, and for most players, the hardest part of defense is figuring out what to do. In this book, the reader is shown step-by-step how to visualize declarer's cards from the bidding and play, and then how to use this information to form a plan for the defense. This book is based on Jim Priebe's popular articles 'Visualization on Defense' which appeared in the ACBL Bulletin in early 2001.
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