Test Your Bridge Play Volume 2

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Become a better declarer - and Eddie Kantar promises it will be relatively painless! The problems in this book are not for experts — they are, however, for anyone whose ambition is to become a better bridge player. The problems involve the everyday cardplay maneuvers you have to master if you are going to improve as a declarer. As you work through this book, you will encounter more than one example of each theme — endplay, avoidance play, etc. This is intentional — it is important to recognize these situations, and by the end of the book you will be able to do just that. You are making progress if you get a problem wrong the first time a theme appears, but spot it the next time it comes around. And if you have a friend who consistently goes down in cold contracts, you could not do him/her a better favor than to give them a copy of this book.
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Become a better declarer - and Eddie Kantar promises it will be relatively painless! The problems in this book are not for experts — they are, however, for anyone whose ambition is to become a better bridge player. The problems involve the everyday cardplay maneuvers you have to master if you are going to improve as a declarer. As you work through this book, you will encounter more than one example of each theme — endplay, avoidance play, etc. This is intentional — it is important to recognize these situations, and by the end of the book you will be able to do just that. You are making progress if you get a problem wrong the first time a theme appears, but spot it the next time it comes around. And if you have a friend who consistently goes down in cold contracts, you could not do him/her a better favor than to give them a copy of this book.
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Eddie Kantar

Eddie Kantar (Santa Monica, CA) is one of the most popular and prolific bridge writers in the world. A winner of two World Championships, and a member of the Bridge Hall of Fame, his many books include Modern Bridge Defense, Advanced Bridge Defense, the hilarious Kantar on Kontract, and of course, Roman Keycard Blackwood. His work appears regularly in many bridge magazines around the world.

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