My Favorite 52 - CD-ROM

  • Windows .EXE
This title was self-published by Larry Cohen, System Requirements: IBM compatible PC, Windows 95,97 or NT; 10 Mb free hard disk space; CD-ROM drive; 8 Mb RAM; at least 800 x 600 screen resolution. Software by Bridge Base Inc. Review of Larry Cohen's CD "My Favorite 52' Reviewed By William Frisby (England) As the title suggests, this a collection of hands The format will be familiar to those who have seen Larry's other CDs: the 'reader is walked through each hand interactively, and given a series of decisions to make at critical points in the bidding and play. . . This is not a CD for the novice player. Familiarity with standard bidding is assumed, and the play problems are, in general, quite advanced. However, the running commentary and analysis are exceptionally clear and comprehensive, so most regular players will have no problems 'keeping up'. Obviously what we look for in a product like this is entertainment and instruction. Do we get them? A resounding YES in both cases. In the introduction Larry explains he has been 'hoarding' these hands for 25 years, waiting for the right format to present them, and they are wonderful - intriguing, bizarre, amusing, and exciting by turns. Furthermore, they all have something out-of-the-ordinary - no small feat given how much has been written about the game in the past 70 years! The risk with a collection of 'unusual' or 'brilliant' deals is that we tend to think of them as something too remote from our normal bridge: 'Oh yes, that's a clever textbook play but I could never do anything like it in real life'. That is NOT the case here. Larry takes enormous pains to show that, however spectacular the winning action appears, it IS possible to find it, using only simple, logical steps and careful attention to detail. . . The thing that comes through above all is the author's enormous enthusiasm for the game. (He even includes 8 'bonus' hands as a little extra that he couldn't bear to leave out). He loves finding a tricky winning line himself, but seems to get just as much satisfaction from watching his partner find one - or even from suffering a crushing defeat because an opponent does! In short, the majority of bridge players should enjoy and benefit from this CD. Highly recommended.
This title was self-published by Larry Cohen, System Requirements: IBM compatible PC, Windows 95,97 or NT; 10 Mb free hard disk space; CD-ROM drive; 8 Mb RAM; at least 800 x 600 screen resolution. Software by Bridge Base Inc. Review of Larry Cohen's CD "My Favorite 52' Reviewed By William Frisby (England) As the title suggests, this a collection of hands The format will be familiar to those who have seen Larry's other CDs: the 'reader is walked through each hand interactively, and given a series of decisions to make at critical points in the bidding and play. . . This is not a CD for the novice player. Familiarity with standard bidding is assumed, and the play problems are, in general, quite advanced. However, the running commentary and analysis are exceptionally clear and comprehensive, so most regular players will have no problems 'keeping up'. Obviously what we look for in a product like this is entertainment and instruction. Do we get them? A resounding YES in both cases. In the introduction Larry explains he has been 'hoarding' these hands for 25 years, waiting for the right format to present them, and they are wonderful - intriguing, bizarre, amusing, and exciting by turns. Furthermore, they all have something out-of-the-ordinary - no small feat given how much has been written about the game in the past 70 years! The risk with a collection of 'unusual' or 'brilliant' deals is that we tend to think of them as something too remote from our normal bridge: 'Oh yes, that's a clever textbook play but I could never do anything like it in real life'. That is NOT the case here. Larry takes enormous pains to show that, however spectacular the winning action appears, it IS possible to find it, using only simple, logical steps and careful attention to detail. . . The thing that comes through above all is the author's enormous enthusiasm for the game. (He even includes 8 'bonus' hands as a little extra that he couldn't bear to leave out). He loves finding a tricky winning line himself, but seems to get just as much satisfaction from watching his partner find one - or even from suffering a crushing defeat because an opponent does! In short, the majority of bridge players should enjoy and benefit from this CD. Highly recommended.
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Larry Cohen

A former computer programmer and options trader, Larry Cohen was for many years a full-time bridge professional and part-time golfer. Now retired from serious competition, he travels from his home base in Boca Raton, Florida, to fulfill his numerous lecturing engagements, and he writes regularly for several magazines. He has twenty national championships to his name, as well as two world championship medals. He is perhaps best-known for his classic book, To Bid or not to Bid, which at the time was the best-selling book on the game since Charles Goren's heyday (it has since been surpassed by 25 Bridge Conventions You should Know).

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