Lesson Plan for "25 Conventions" : 19 - Reverse Drury
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Lesson Plans developed to accompany 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know including 8 unique hands.
"All players want an opportunity to practice. They want hands, hands and more hands. Here is a collection of hands to make your students think about bidding and play while practicing the conventions they have just learned." ~ Barbara Seagram, author of :
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know
by: Barbara Seagram & Marc Smith
Parts Avaialble:
1 - Stayman
13 - Help Suit Game Tries
2 - Takeout Double
14 - Control-Showing Cuebids
3 - Weak Two
15 - RKCB & GSF
4 - Strong 2C
16 - Michaels Cuebid & Unusual NT
5 - Reverses
17 - DONT
6 - Blackwood & Gerber
18 - Lebensohl
7 - Negative Doubles
19 - Reverse Drury
8 - Jacoby & Texas Transfers
20 - Fourth Suit Forcing
9 - Jacoby 2NT
21 - New Minor Forcing
10 - Splinter Bids
22 - Ogust
11 - Cuebid Raises
23 - Responsive & Lead Directing Doubles
12 - Balancing
How to Run a Successful Group Mentoring Program
Purchase the Complete Lesson Plan set: Lesson Plan for "25 Conventions" : COMPLETE
- Language: English
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Lesson Plans developed to accompany 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know including 8 unique hands.
"All players want an opportunity to practice. They want hands, hands and more hands. Here is a collection of hands to make your students think about bidding and play while practicing the conventions they have just learned." ~ Barbara Seagram, author of :
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know
by: Barbara Seagram & Marc Smith
Parts Avaialble:
1 - Stayman
13 - Help Suit Game Tries
2 - Takeout Double
14 - Control-Showing Cuebids
3 - Weak Two
15 - RKCB & GSF
4 - Strong 2C
16 - Michaels Cuebid & Unusual NT
5 - Reverses
17 - DONT
6 - Blackwood & Gerber
18 - Lebensohl
7 - Negative Doubles
19 - Reverse Drury
8 - Jacoby & Texas Transfers
20 - Fourth Suit Forcing
9 - Jacoby 2NT
21 - New Minor Forcing
10 - Splinter Bids
22 - Ogust
11 - Cuebid Raises
23 - Responsive & Lead Directing Doubles
12 - Balancing
How to Run a Successful Group Mentoring Program
Purchase the Complete Lesson Plan set: Lesson Plan for "25 Conventions" : COMPLETE
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