Free sample from "The Mysterious Multi"

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This free download provides two basic defenses to the Multi 2♦, designated by the ACBL, as contained in The Mysterious Multi. The Multi 2♦ is a popular convention among tournament players and The Mysterious Multi provides valuable tools for those who wish to play it, or find themselves defending against it.
This free download provides two basic defenses to the Multi 2♦, designated by the ACBL, as contained in The Mysterious Multi. The Multi 2♦ is a popular convention among tournament players and The Mysterious Multi provides valuable tools for those who wish to play it, or find themselves defending against it.
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Mark Horton

MARK HORTON (UK) travels the world writing about bridge. Editor of BeBridge magazine and of the Daily Bulletins at World and European Championships, he is also the author of nine previous MPP titles. 

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Jan van Cleeff

Jan van Cleeff publishes and edits IMP magazine in the Netherlands. He is a frequent contributor to the Daily Bulletins at World and European Championships.

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